The pornography industry profits off the dehumanization, degradation and coercion of vulnerable girls and women. Do you really think God will hold you blameless for your porn use after today?

Sex trafficking is one of the most devastating injustices of our time, yet you as a Christian man probably fail to realize how closely it intertwines with something tragically normalized in our culture: pornography. For you, the implications are especially sobering. How can you claim to worship Jesus on Sunday, only to spend the rest of the week consuming material that exploits, dehumanizes and often traffics the very individuals made in God’s image?

This is not a comfortable topic, but it’s one that demands your immediate attention. Especially if you are trapped in the false belief that pornography is a “private” sin with no victims. In truth, this industry thrives on the coercion, exploitation and trafficking of the most vulnerable among us. If you profess Christ but consume pornography, you are not just a participant in sin—you are complicit in perpetuating a global system of oppression.

The Dark Reality Behind Pornography

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Jesus, Paul, Peter, Jude and other New Testament writers taught that sexual purity is essential for followers of Christ, and they did not shy away from describing the eternal consequences of disregarding this teaching.

In our digital age, pornography is more accessible than ever before, but its availability does not lessen the danger it poses to our souls. The Bible, especially the New Testament, gives clear and serious warnings about the consequences of sexual immorality, including consuming pornography. Jesus, Paul, and other New Testament writers taught that sexual purity is essential for followers of Christ, and they did not shy away from describing the eternal consequences of disregarding this teaching. Here, we’ll explore what the Bible says about pornography and why it warns that habitual engagement with it can lead to eternal separation from God.

1. Jesus’ Teaching on Lust and Hell

Jesus addresses the issue of sexual lust directly in the Gospel of Matthew. He warns that harboring lustful thoughts is equivalent to committing adultery in one’s heart:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not

Need a daily kick in the pants to quit porn biblically? Buy the book, or subscribe to my daily kick.

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