The meaning of Matthew 5:29 is that disciples of Jesus will be cast into hell if they fail to stop lusting after women with their eyes.

The meaning of Matthew 5:29 is that disciples of Jesus will be cast into hell if they fail to stop lusting after women with their eyes. That’s a strong statement, I know. And it runs contrary to the doctrine of unconditional eternal security, or the doctrine of once-saved-always-saved, which you may believe. But this truth remains anyway. Disciples of Jesus will end up in hell if they never forsake their sin of lusting after women with their eyes. You have Jesus’ word on this.

See for yourself. This teaching in Matthew 5:29 is from the famous sermon that Jesus delivered on a mountainside at the start of his ministry. You and I know it as the Sermon on the Mount. So, who is the audience for this sermon, who does the sermon apply to? You learn this from the first verse in the chapter: “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying . . .” Notice the audience–“his disciples”–that’s Jesus’ disciples. Here is what Jesus tells his followers:

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A man is either under the dominion of sin, or else he is delivered from it. If he is under the dominion of sin, what an awful theory is that which makes him believe he is saved. Could the devil have invented a more damning theory than that? And yet, alas! Alas! He allures millions to destruction through it, who otherwise would take alarm and begin to seek salvation. He says to all the qualms of conscience and the pangs of remorse, “You are all right, you believe this or the other, your faith is orthodox, you are safe,” frequently quoting separated or mutilated texts to back up his lying insinuations, such as “By faith ye are saved;” “he that believeth shall be saved,” “you are complete in Him,” etc.

This latter phrase has come to express, in numbers of instances, the most utter ruin to which the human soul can be brought. “Complete in Christ”–complete without any true repentance, without any offering of the heart, without the slightest change inward or outward “complete in Him,” while living without Him, and having no conscious connection with Him whatever; complete

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The Bible warns that you can fall away in unbelief and become severed from your saving union with God through Christ. Heed the warnings. Don’t believe the lie.

“Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die.'”
Genesis 3:4

If you are a Christian man struggling to conquer your habitual sin of watching pornography, your problem may be that you believe the same lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden. The lie that Eve believed. The lie that she and Adam acted upon. The lie that brought death—physical and spiritual—upon them and all mankind.

Satan whispers this same lie to you whenever you are tempted to look at pornography or masturbate. You know that these sins are wrong, but Satan tells you otherwise.

  • God says if you are sexually immoral, you will be cast into hell (Matthew 5:27-30). Satan says, “you will not surely die.”
  • God says if you are sexually immoral, you will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Satan says, “you will not surely die.”
  • God says you must abstain from sexual immorality or fa

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A man who looks at pornography habitually is, by definition, living according to the flesh. Unless he forsakes his sin, He will die and be separated from God for all eternity.

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”
Romans 8:13

Do you treat forgiveness as a pre-paid credit card? Do you sin sexually, repeatedly and habitually because you believe your sins—past, present, future—are all forgiven, no matter what, guaranteed? Do you look at pornography and masturbate, week in, week out, knowing that on every occasion you can always rely on God for His forgiveness because God is obligated to forgive you?

If you look at pornography and masturbate but want to stop, your inability to conquer your sin might just be tied to your misunderstanding of eternal security. If you believe you are “once saved, always saved” and that you can never fall away, you need to read your New Testament. Every writer in the New Testament warns believers about falling away. When commissioning the 12 disciples, Christ warns them five times about falling away.

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Jesus teaches that there are people who will be thrown into the Lake of Fire who thought they were saved and eternally secure. Don’t be one of them.

Whoever Abides in Him Does Not Watch Porn | 1 John 3:6

“Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.”
1 John 3:6

There is only one thing worse than being saved but having no assurance, and that is being lost but having assurance. The man who engages in pornography, masturbation and other sexual sins habitually and compulsively and yet thinks he is on his way to glory is the man most to be pitied. He thinks he has eternal security when all he has is a track record of ongoing disobedience that proves he is not a child of God.

This is the clear teaching of 1 John 3:6: “No one who abides in Him [who remains united in fellowship with Him—deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin. No one who habitually sins has seen Him or known Him.” Amplified Bible.

Abiding in Christ is incompatible with h

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