A man is either under the dominion of sin, or else he is delivered from it. If he is under the dominion of sin, what an awful theory is that which makes him believe he is saved. Could the devil have invented a more damning theory than that? And yet, alas! Alas! He allures millions to destruction through it, who otherwise would take alarm and begin to seek salvation. He says to all the qualms of conscience and the pangs of remorse, “You are all right, you believe this or the other, your faith is orthodox, you are safe,” frequently quoting separated or mutilated texts to back up his lying insinuations, such as “By faith ye are saved;” “he that believeth shall be saved,” “you are complete in Him,” etc.

This latter phrase has come to express, in numbers of instances, the most utter ruin to which the human soul can be brought. “Complete in Christ”–complete without any true repentance, without any offering of the heart, without the slightest change inward or outward “complete in Him,” while living without Him, and having no conscious connection with Him whatever; complete

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Never think that sinning sexually even once is OK and nothing to worry about. Block the online false teachers who tell you otherwise. Your soul depends upon it.

Don't Call Your Sin a Relapse | 2 Peter 2:13b-1

“They are spots and blemishes, carousing in their own deceptions while they feast with you, having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls. They have a heart trained in covetous practices, and are accursed children.”
2 Peter 2:13-14

When is the last time you had a conversation with a false teacher about porn and masturbation? More recently than you might think, most likely. If you are one of those Christian men who turns to Quora, Reddit and other online communities for support for your habitual sexual sin, you have likely run into a false teacher or two, and likely without even knowing it.

False teachers have eyes full of adultery, and they entice unstable souls by downplaying the gravity of sexual sin. They never call pornography and masturbation sexual immorality, or wicked, or sinful. They call them compulsive behaviors. They call sexual sin acting out. They call it a struggle. When you have a p

Need a daily kick in the pants to quit porn biblically? Buy the book, or subscribe to my daily kick.

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