If you have been delivered from a sexual sin, such as looking at pornography or masturbation, don’t look back.

Remember Lot’s wife.

Luke 17:32

You don’t know her name, or much of anything about her, but you are commanded to remember her, to learn from her, to allow her life to be a warning to yours. I am speaking, of course, of Lot’s wife.

Jesus warned the people of His day to “remember Lot’s wife.” He gave this warning in the context of being prepared for His second coming, when He returns to establish His kingdom. Jesus warned His disciples that, in that day, they should not hesitate in going out to meet the Lord. They should be prepared for immediate departure. They should not allow their possessions to hold them back, and they should not allow their work to hold them back (Luke 17:31). They should remember Lot’s wife.

Lot’s wife obeyed the angel of the Lord and fled Sodom and Gomorrah with her husband and their children (Genesis 19:17). But, as they were fleeing, she looked back. Even though the ang

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If you want to escape God’s judgment, escape your sexual immorality. Lot escaped the sexually immoral city of Sodom while he had the chance. You should, too.

“Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.”
Genesis 19:17

God’s advice for the Christian man who watches pornography can be summed up in one word—escape! God will have mercy on you just as He had mercy on Lot, but only if you obey God, escape the wicked city, don’t look back, and go to live somewhere safe.

Lot was a righteous man who lived with his wife and family in Sodom, a city so wicked that the Bible uses the name of the city as a symbol of wickedness. Its destruction at the hands of the Lord is held up as a warning to sinners of coming judgment (Jude 7). God had mercy on Lot and his family by giving them a chance to leave the city before it was consumed from heaven with fire and brimstone.

Today, if your life

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