All the graces of the Christian spring from the death of self. Let us, then, bear patiently the afflictions, which reduce this overflowing life. There is a suffering in connection with confusions and uncertainties, very trying to bear. Unbounded patience is necessary to bear not only with ourselves, but with others, whose various tempers and dispositions are not congenial with our own.
“Offences,”—wounds of spirit will occur while we live in the flesh. These offences must be borne in silence, and thus subjugated and controlled by the spirit of grace. By a law of our nature we feel, more or less, the influence of the spheres in which we move. While we honor, we think, the true cross, the affliction that comes from God, let us remember that these instruments, so disagreeable, are the true cross that providence daily furnishes us.
Do not sully the cross and mar its operations by your murmurs and reflections. Let us welcome any trials that teach us what we are, and lead us to renounce ourselves and find our all in Go
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