Pornography is a type of sexual immorality that gets progressively more sinful. Don’t assume you can continue for long on the path of sexual sin without facing divine judgment.

The sin of watching pornography is not static, but progressive. The sinful images you look at today will no longer stimulate you in a few months. You will require images that are progressively more vile, more wicked, to satisfy you. The longer you watch pornography, the deeper you descend into the pit of sin, and the harder it is to climb out. Assuming you ever do climb out.

Just consider the people who are alive at the end of the age, when God brings His judgment upon the earth. You read about them in the New Testament book of Revelation. God brings hail and fire that destroys most plant and aquatic life. God darkens the sun and moon. God sends a plague of demonic locusts that torture those who are unsaved. And God sends an army of horsemen who kill a third of humanity.

And what do you suppose is the response of those still left alive on earth after all of these divine judgments? The Apostle John tells us.

“But the rest of mankind,

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