Who will deliver you from your body of death? God will. Who will deliver you from your sexual sin? God will.

Illustration of surreal painting of sky, think outside the box concept

Are you like the Apostle Paul? Do you ever cry out, “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Do you find that the things you want to do, you don’t do? And that the things you shouldn’t do, you do? Can you say along with Paul, “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice?” (Romans 7:19). Do you wonder who will deliver you?

Then Paul has good news for you. Or, rather, God has good news for you, communicated through His servant, Paul, in the letter that Paul wrote to the church in Rome. In chapter seven you see Paul’s predicament and yours laid out. With your mind you serve the law of God, but with your flesh you serve the law of sin. You have God’s Spirit, and you want to follow His leading. But you also have your sinful flesh, and you want to follow it, too.

This is why you have such conflict with pornography as a Christian man. Men in the world who consume pornography don’t struggle. They enjoy their sin. But you, i

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