For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6
One of the greatest problems with pornography is its price. A large portion of the porn that men consume today is free. You can watch hours of it every day without paying a dime. But you have to pay for it all the same, one day.
The Bible says, “to be carnally minded is death.” When you look at porn, you are carnally minded. When you are carnally minded, you set your feet on a path that leads to spiritual death, in the lake of fire.
“Carnal” is a word you don’t hear these days. It means “fleshly,” as in, the lust of the flesh. The flesh is that part of the human condition that is weak and still subject to the attack of sin, that is opposed to the Spirit and wars against it, and that becomes the instrument of sin. Your flesh, by definition, is displeasing to God. Any thought or action you have that
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