If your fleshly lusts war against your soul, then that means you are in a battle. And your only job in this battle is to never, ever, surrender.

In Your War with Lust, Never Carry a White Flag | 1 Peter 2:11

“Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul.” 1 Peter 2:11

If your fleshly lusts war against your soul, as Peter says they do, then that means you are in a battle. And if you are in a battle, then that means you have an enemy. But your enemy isn’t without. It’s within.

In your war against pornography and masturbation, you are at war with yourself, with your fleshly lusts. That is, you are engaged in a daily conflict with inordinate bodily, animal, unregenerate desires. These lusts come in the form of sexual fantasies, sexual temptations, sexual urges. They attack you when you are watching pornography, when you are lying in bed, even when you are sitting in church.

Your job as a soldier in this war is to never surrender to these fleshly lusts. You are commanded to abstain from them. You are to keep away from them as an alcoholic sta

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Will you trample under foot that accursed thing which has so long kept the fulness of the blessing from you? Will you give up arguing about it and trying to make out that it is not a stumbling-block, when you know it is?

I want you reasonably and calmly to see that this holiness is a real, definite blessing; that it is a level on to which the great mass of the professing Christians of this generation have not come, or even scarcely looked up. It is a high level, but it is a level on to which every one of you can come, if you will. You have heard enough about it. You are convinced you may have it. Will you have it? The Lord is sitting there; He is looking at you, and He is saying, “What is all this stir about? What is all this talk, this singing, and this praying about? Here I am. What do you want Me to do? I am ready to do it.”

And you say, “Lord, I want Thee to cleanse my heart from sin, and to fill me with the Holy Ghost, and to enable me to be whole-hearted and thorough in Thy service, and to go and win souls for Thee.” “Very well,” the Lord says, “I am ready to come into the temple, if you will clear out the rubbish. Are you willing for Me to come in? I am waiting to come in as a Refiner; but you must make a straight way for my feet. You must pick out the stones, and throw out th

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You win the battle against pornography with your mind. When tempted by sexual thoughts, don’t fight. Flee.

You Can't Hide. But You Can Run. | 2 Timothy 2:22

“Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22

How do you run away from something in your mind? If you are on a cruise and the captain commands you to flee to the lifeboats, you know what to do and where to run. If you are on a hike and your guide commands you to run away from a rattlesnake on the path in front of you, your feet intuitively know what to do. But how do you flee from a thought, or a desire, something like lust? Two ways.

The first way to flee sexual lust and sexual temptation is with prevention. Draw up a list from experience of the people, places and things that excite your sexual lust. I’m talking about the immodest waitresses at that restaurant downtown. The porn websites whose names I won’t mention. Those dodgy apps on your smartphone. Flee youthful lusts by fleeing these people, places and things before you even come into contact with them

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Sexual immorality ranks right up there with kidnapping and murder. Picture yourself among the lawless and ungodly to gain an incentive to quit porn.

Who Else is in Your Cell? | 1 Timothy 1:8-11

“But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust.” 1 Timothy 1:8-11

You wake up this morning in a holding cell on Rikers Island. Rikers Island is New York City’s main jail complex. It consists of 10 jails, and houses close to 12,000 inmates. In your cell with you are 20 other offenders. You get to talking. Brad is inside for human trafficking. Sven is up for murdering his girlfriend. Moe lied repeatedly in court under oath. Chen strangled his father to de

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If you watch porn and have sex with yourself in the process, Jesus has a warning for you. Your final destiny hinges on Jesus’ final words.

You, Porn, and the Final Words of Jesus | Revelation 22:14-15

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” Revelation 22:14-15 NKJV

You can tell a lot about a person by their last words. On their death beds, the dying reveal what’s important to them. They finally let their guard down, and tell their loved ones some of the things they meant to say while living. After all, final words are just that—the last chance to say something meaningful.

If you want to know what Jesus thinks of pornography and having sex with yourself, simply turn to the last page in your Bible and read Jesus’ final words to you. These are not the last words that Jesus spoke while on earth, but the final words that He spoke to the Apostle John, the “revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave

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Sin is always voluntary, never compulsory. No one, and no thing, forces you to look at pornography. You are never a victim. Only a volunteer.

“This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”
Ephesians 4:17-19 NKJV

In the battle against pornography and sexual immorality, there is no such thing as defeat—only surrender. There is never a time when temptation defeats you, or when sin defeats you, or when the devil defeats you. When you fall to porn or sexual sin, it’s not because you are overpowered. It’s because you surrender.

Sin is always voluntary, never compulsory. No one, and no thing, forces you to look at pornography. No one, and no thing, compels you to masturbate. Yes, the desire may seem irresistible, the urge may appear i

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The remedy for sexual desire in single men and women is marriage. The remedy for sexual desire in married men and women is marriage. Any questions?

“Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 NKJV

When it comes to sexual immorality, the answer is marriage. Now, what’s your question? This is partly what Paul is saying in his letter to the church at Corinth. They posed a question to him in a letter. And Paul gave his answer to them in a letter that we know as 1 Corinthians.

Their question appears to be about sexual relations for single people, whether that activity is good or bad, permissible or forbidden, in their present circumstances. Paul says that it is good for a single man to not have sexual relations with a woman, assuming he is able to contain his desires. But, if he is unable to contain those desires, he should marry. Marriage is the answer for the single man and the single

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Acquaint yourself with prayer. Make Christ your Captain and your armour. Make conscience of sinning when no eye seeth you.

Illustration of man climbing a rope in the sky, ascension surreal abstract concept

I wish that ye take pains for salvation. Mistaken grace, and somewhat like conversion which is not conversion, is the saddest and most doleful thing in the world. Make sure of salvation, and lay the foundation sure, for many are beguiled. Put a low price upon the world’s clay; but a high price upon Christ. Temptations will come, but if they be not made welcome by you, ye have the best of it. Be jealous over yourself and your own heart, and keep touches with God. Let Him not have a faint and feeble soldier of you. Fear not to back Christ, for He will conquer and overcome. Let no man scaur at Christ, for I have no quarrels at His cross; He and His cross are two good guests, and worth the lodging. Men would fain have Christ good-cheap; but the market will not come down. Acquaint yourself with prayer. Make Christ your Captain and your armour. Make conscience of sinning when no eye seeth you. Grace be with you.

Excerpted from Letters of Samuel Rutherford</e

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There is a proper tool for every job. Use your body as God intends and you will avoid serious injury or death.

To Avoid Injury, Only Use as Directed | 1 Corinthians 6:13b

“Now the body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. “ 1 Corinthians 6:13b

What task is a flathead screwdriver designed for? This is not a trick question. Are you supposed to use a flathead screwdriver as a chisel? No. Or as a prybar? No. Or as a punch? No. So, what are you supposed to use it for? To install and remove flathead screws. That’s the sole purpose that the tool is designed for.

Now, what about your body? What purpose is it designed for? This is not a trick question. Are you supposed to use your body to have sex with prostitutes? No. Or to masturbate to pornography? No. What about using your body to have sex with your girlfriend? No again. The Bible tells you and me that our bodies are not designed for sexual immorality. They are designed for sex with our wives and no one else. Sex is designed to take place between one man and one woman who are married to each other for one lifetime. That’s

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You don’t have a destination. You only have your daily walk with the Lord. And that walk involves no sexual immorality today.

Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy.” Romans 13:13 ESV

If you want to get victory over habitual sexual sin, such as pornography and masturbation, first realize that you won’t find sexual purity on any map. Sexual purity isn’t a destination you hope to reach tomorrow. It’s a walk you take today.

In Paul’s words, you must “walk properly as in the daytime.” That is, you are to walk honestly (KJV), behave decently (NIV), conduct yourself properly and honorably (Amplified). Your walk is to involve no orgies or drunkenness, no sexual immorality or sensuality, and no quarreling or jealousy. Your walk is to be different from those who live in darkness.

Just don’t expect to arrive at a place in your life where you experience zero sexual lust, zero sexual temptation or zero sexual fantasies. T

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Porn Makes You an Enemy of God | Romans 8:7

Could not but think, as I have often remarked to others, that much more of true religion consists in deep humility, brokenness of heart, and an abasing sense of barrenness and want of grace and holiness, than most who are called Christians imagine . . . [I] saw so much of the wickedness of my heart that I longed to get away from myself . . . I felt almost pressed to death with my own vileness. Oh what a body of death is there in me . . . Oh the closest walk with God is the sweetest heaven that can be enjoyed on earth!

Excerpted from The Life of Rev. David Brainerd, from the diary of David Brainerd, edited by Jonathan Edwards. Public domain.

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Subtracting every source of sexual temptation from your life is worth it. You may start walking with a limp, but it’s worth it.

Struggling to Quit Porn? Where is Your Limp? | Matthew 18:8

“If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you. It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire.” Matthew 18:8 NKJV

If your smartphone causes you to sin, should you keep it? No. Smash it to pieces, incinerate what remains, then scatter the ashes. If watching movies on Hulu triggers your lust and causes you to sin, should you keep watching? No. Cancel your subscription. If scrolling through youtube.com causes you to sin, should you keep visiting the site? No. Block it with porn-blocking software.

Getting victory over pornography is an exercise in subtraction. Whenever you discover that something, or someone, or somewhere causes you to sin by looking at porn, listening to porn, or reading porn, you subtract it from your life. And then you take preventive measures so that you never use that thing or meet that person or visit that place again.

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Porn is a deep pit that’s easy to fall into but hard to climb out of. But there is a way out. And a way to avoid falling in.

Porn is a Deep Pit | Proverbs 23:26-28

“My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. For a harlot is a deep pit, and a seductress is a narrow well. She also lies in wait as for a victim, and increases the unfaithful among men.” Proverbs 23:26-28

One thing that can be said about sexual sin is that it’s easy to fall into but difficult to climb out of. That’s not an original observation from a sex addiction therapist in the 21st century. It’s a truth that Solomon, renowned for his great wisdom, penned in a proverb to his son.

“A harlot,” warned Solomon, “is a deep pit.” That is, a harlot, a woman who sells her body for sex (a prostitute), is a hole in the ground that’s easy to fall into. Men fall for sex with prostitutes because the sex satisfies their lust but involves zero emotional commitment, zero chance of rejection, and zero responsibility towards the needs of the woman. The sex is simply transactional. As long as a man can afford the f

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When Samuel penned this proverb to his boy, he didn’t write about The Bible or sexual sin in the abstract. That’s made all the difference to me.

I Quit Porn After I Took God's Word Personally | Proverbs 6:23-24

“For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life, to keep you from the evil woman, from the flattering tongue of a seductress.” Proverbs 6:23-24 NKJV

I tried multiple remedies as a Christian man for my sinful habit of watching pornography. I talked with my pastor (1996). I participated in a men’s study group at my church based on the book, Every Man’s Battle (2006). I installed Covenant Eyes on all my devices (2007). I got an accountability partner (2010). I attended weekly Celebrate Recovery meetings (2018-19). I confessed my sin to God and asked for forgiveness (1991-2021).

These actions worked with varying levels of success over the space of 30 years—none of them permanent. What finally worked was sitting down each day and reading God’s Word to discover what it had to say about pornography, adultery, lust, sexual temptation and sexual immoralit

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If you come to Christ, you need not fear but that he will prepare a place for you; he’ll see to it that you shall be well accommodated in heaven.

In my Father’s house are many mansions.

John 14:2

The disciples seemed very sorrowful at the news of Christ’s going away, but Christ comforts them with that, that in his Father’s house where he was going there was not only room for him, but room for them too. There were many mansions. There was not only a mansion there for him, but there were mansions enough for them all; there was room enough in heaven for them.

Here is encouragement for sinners that are concerned and exercised for the salvation of their souls, such as are afraid that they shall never go to heaven or be admitted to any place of abode there, and are sensible that they are hitherto in a doleful state and condition in that they are out of Christ, and so have no right to any inheritance in heaven, but are in danger of going to hell and having their place of eternal abode fixed there. You may be encouraged by what has been said, earnestly to seek heaven; for there are many mansio

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David sinned not because of where he was, or because he caught a glimpse of a beautiful woman bathing, but because he took the second look.

As a Christian man, you fight a daily battle with your eyes. Like other men, you are tempted sexually primarily by what you see, and these days, you see a lot. You and I live in a hyper-sexualized culture where provocative images are everywhere. Billboards, TV commercials, magazines, websites, retail storefront displays, social media, beaches, smartphone apps, sidewalks, books, fitness centers, movie streaming services, workplaces, college campuses, public transit, swimming pools, church pews, and hundreds of other places tempt you to lust after women with your eyes.

If you want to gain victory over lustful looks, if you

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Given the choice between gouging out my right eye or ditching my smartphone to quit porn, I went with the phone. Obedience comes at a cost. But I’m happy to pay.

In November 2021, I finally gave up trying to control my compulsive habit of using my smartphone to view pornography. I replaced my Samsung S10 smartphone with a Jethro SC490 feature phone, a so-called “dumbphone” designed for seniors. The transition has been difficult, painful and inconvenient, but I have never been happier. Here’s why and how I made the move, and why I’m never going back.

Why I gave up my smartphone

I have been a Christian since the summer of 1991. I was converted at the age of 31. One of the defining moments of my conversion was the deliverance I received from my alcoholism. God took away my desire to drink, a Class A Miracle that I rank right up there with Moses parting the Red Sea. I have not touched a drop of alcohol since that day in June of 1991 when God saved me from the bottle without me even asking.

Today, I know that having alcohol in my home is a foolish idea. I

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The primary, the basal work of the baptism, is that of cleansing.

Many have looked at the promise of power when the Holy Ghost is come, the energy of Peter’s preaching on the day of Pentecost, and the marvelous results which followed, and they have hastily and erroneously jumped to the conclusion that the baptism with the Holy Ghost is for work and service only.

It does bring power—­the power of God, and it does fit for service, probably the most important service to which any created beings are commissioned, the proclamation of salvation and the conditions of peace to a lost world; but not that alone, nor primarily. The primary, the basal work of the baptism, is that of cleansing.

You may turn a flood into your millrace, but until it sweeps away the logs and brushwood and dirt that obstruct the course, you cannot get power to turn the wheels of your mill. The flood first washes out the obstructions, and then you have power.

The great hindrance in the hearts of God’s children to the power of the Holy Ghost is inbred sin

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Jesus demands that you confess your sexual sin and then forsake it. “No condemnation” is always followed by “sin no more.”

If you listen to enough sermons about the woman caught in adultery and her encounter with Jesus, you might think that the only lesson to be learned is that Jesus doesn’t condemn sinners. But you would be only partly right. Which means, of course, that you would also be partly mistaken.

You read about the encounter in John’s gospel, chapter eight.  The scribes and Pharisees bring to Jesus a woman taken in adultery, caught in the very act. They say the woman should be stoned to death. Jesus stoops down and writes something on the ground. He then stands, and says to her accusers, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7). Those that hear His words are convicted by their conscience, and file out. They leave the woman alone with Jesus. Jesus then stands up and asks the woman, “Where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?” She replies, “No one, Lord.” And then Jesus replies with those immortal lines, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (John 8:11).


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The longer you view yourself as a porn addict who needs treatment and recovery, the longer you will take to gain lasting victory over your sexual immorality.

Christian Porn Addict is an Oxymoron

If you are a Christian man who uses pornography habitually or compulsively, you are a sinner, a voluntary slave to sin—but not a porn addict. The longer you view yourself as a victim, and the longer you think of yourself as an addict who needs treatment, recovery and hand-holding, the longer you will take to repent of your sin and conquer pornography.

“Christian porn addict” is an oxymoron. The phrase ranks right up there with exact estimate, working vacation, same difference, civil war, genuine imitation, unbiased opinion and government savings plan. If you watch, read or listen to pornography habitually, God calls you an adulterer, a fornicator, void of understanding, deceived, and wicked—but never an addict.

Here are the top reasons you should stop calling yourself a Christian porn addict.

1. Porn addiction doesn’t exist

According to The American Psychological Association (APA), “Addiction 

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If you want to understand how wicked pornography is in the sight of God, just study the words that God uses to describe the sexually immoral.

10 Things God Calls You if You Watch Porn

Are you a porn addict? No. Not according to the Bible, anyway. The world may tell you that you have an addiction, that you have a wound, that you seek intimacy in the wrong places, and that you have a disease called porn addiction. But this is not how God looks at pornography and sexual immorality. If you want to know God’s view of your habitual sexual sin, simply open your Bible to discover what God calls the sexually immoral.

1. Adulterer

You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Matthew 5:27

When you watch pornography, you look at a woman to lust after her. Jesus calls that adultery. That makes you an adulterer.

2. Idolater

For of this

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God’s men are always heroes. In Scripture you can trace their giant foot-tracks down the sands of time.

GOD NEVER WAS A CHOCOLATE MANUFACTURER, AND NEVER WILL BE. God’s men are always heroes. In Scripture you can trace their giant foot-tracks down the sands of time.

NOAH walked with God, he didn’t only preach righteousness, he acted it. He went through water and didn’t melt. He breasted the current of the popular opinion of his day, scorning alike the hatred and ridicule of the scoffers who mocked at the thought of there being but one way of salvation. He warned the unbelieving and, entering the ark himself, didn’t open the door an inch when once God had shut it. A real hero untained by the fear of man.

Learn to scorn the praise of men.
  Learn to lose with God;
Jesus won the world thro’ shame!
  And beckons us His road.

ABRAHAM, a simple farmer, at a word from the Invisible God, marched, with family and stock, through the terrible desert to a distant land to live among a people whose l

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Some professing Christians think they can call Jesus Lord, practice sexual sin, and still inherit the kingdom of God. They are deceived. Are you?

Sexually Immoral Christians Are Deceived | 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

If you claim to be a Christian but engage in habitual sexual immorality, you are deceived. If you profess Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, but continue to masturbate to pornography, you are deceived. This might be the primary reason that you are failing to get victory over your sexual immorality. You are deluded about how you can be both a Christian and a habitual fornicator at the same time.

So, what are you deceived about? The Bible tells you. In The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians, in the sixth chapter, Paul asks the church at Corinth a simple but searching question:

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Sometimes I considered myself before Him as a poor criminal at the feet of his judge; at other times I beheld Him in my heart as my FATHER, as my GOD:

Having found in many books different methods of going to GOD, and divers practices of the spiritual life, I thought this would serve rather to puzzle me than facilitate what I sought after, which was nothing but how to become wholly GOD’S. This made me resolve to give the all for the all; so after having given myself wholly to GOD, that He might take away my sin, I renounced, for the love of Him, everything that was not He; and I began to live as if there was none but He and I in the world.

Sometimes I considered myself before Him as a poor criminal at the feet of his judge; at other times I beheld Him in my heart as my FATHER, as my GOD: I worshipped Him the oftenest that I could, keeping my mind in His holy Presence, and recalling it as often as I found it wandered from Him. I found no small pain in this exercise, and yet I continued it, notwithstanding all the difficulties that occurred, without troubling or disquieting myself when my mind had wandered involuntarily. I made this my business as much all the day long as at the app

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