Crosses form us into His image. They cut away the pieces of our corruption.

The greatest temptation out of hell is to live without trials. A pool of standing water will turn stagnant. Faith grows more with the sharp winter storm in its face. Grace withers without adversity. You cannot sneak quietly into heaven without a cross. Crosses form us into His image. They cut away the pieces of our corruption.

Lord cut, carve, wound; Lord do anything to perfect Your image in us and make us fit for glory! We need winnowing before we enter the kingdom of God. O what I owe to the file, hammer, and furnace! Why should I be surprised at the plough that makes such deep furrows in my soul? Whatever direction the wind blows, it will blow us to the Lord. His hand will direct us safely to the heavenly shore to find the weight of eternal glory.

As we look back to our pains and suffering, we shall see that suffering is not worthy to be compared to our first night’s welcome home in heaven. If we could smell of heaven and our country above, our crosses would not bite us. Lay all your loads by faith on Christ, e

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Crucifixion combined state torture with state execution to act as a deterrent. Remember this the next time you are tempted to watch porn or masturbate.

Quit Porn Slowly and Painfully | Galatians 5:24

“And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”
Galatians 5:24

If you are trying to quit pornography and masturbation, don’t be surprised if the process is slow and agonizing. Sexual purity requires your crucifixion, after all. And when you are crucified, you are either tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and then left to hang on the cross until you die. You die from exhaustion, asphyxiation, loss of body fluids or organ failure. This unique form of capital punishment is neither quick nor painless.

Defeating pornography and masturbation requires you to crucify, not your body, but your passions and desires. If you belong to Christ, you are to take your sinful lusts and nail them to a cross until they die. When a wicked thought enters your mind, when you see an image online that stirs up your lust, you are to crucify it, put it to death, execute it. This is your responsibility. God doesn’t do this at

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If you want to get the victory over pornography, masturbation or another sexual sin today, look back to yourself crucified with Christ. Crucified men don’t commit sexual immorality.

Struggling to Quit Porn? Where is Your Limp? | Matthew 18:8

Something happened in human history to prevent you from looking at pornography. Jesus Christ died on the cross. And you, if you are saved from your sins by faith in His atoning sacrifice, were also crucified with Him. That is, your sinful nature was crucified with Christ when you repented of your sins and trusted in Christ as your Saviour.

You read about this marvelous transaction in a few places in the New Testament. One of them is in the sixth chapter of the book of Romans. Here, Paul the Apostle says:

“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.”

Romans 6:5-6

You have likely seen dozens of depictions of the crucifixion

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