With Judas, they call Him Master, but take part with the evil of the world to betray Him.

conflict between two men, life attempt, surreal concept

Sin is of one nature all the world over; for though a liar is not a drunkard, nor a swearer a whoremonger, nor are either properly a murderer, yet they are all of one church, all branches of the one wicked root, all of one family. They have but one father, the devil, as Christ said to the professing Jews, the visible church of that age. He slighted their pretensions to Abraham and Moses, and plainly told them, “He that committed sin, was the servant of sin.”

They did the devil’s works, and therefore were the devil’s children. This argument will always hold upon the same reasons, and therefore is good still. “His servants you are,” says Paul, “whom you obey.” And John says to the church of old, “Let no man deceive you, he that commits sin is of the devil.” Was Judas a better Christian for crying, “Hail, master!” and kissing Christ? By no means!

These words were the signal of his treachery, the token given by which the bloody Jews should know and take Him. He called Him Master, but betrayed Him. He

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When you are next tempted to watch pornography, whom will you obey? Because you have to obey someone.

Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

Romans 6:16

When it comes to watching pornography, you have a choice. And I’m not talking about the choice to look or to not look, the choice to indulge or to abstain. I’m talking about the choice of whom you obey. Because porn is personal. Behind every pornographic image there’s a camera operator. And behind every camera operator there’s another person.

Paul tells us in his letter to the church in Rome that, “to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey.” If you are like me and countless other Christian men, you have read this verse for years but never taken the time to follow it to its logical conclusion. Let’s do that, shall we?

Q. When you are tem

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A life free from sufferings and sacrifices our Lord has not promised, and the Apostles did not enjoy.

old man raising stairs to reach the city

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth.

Matthew 6:19

That the hearty reception of this principle may be connected, by natural consequence, with many and great difficulties in this life—no one, who knows any thing of human nature, as opposed to the nature of Christ’s kingdom, or the Gospel History, can doubt. In this world’s history, great things are not accomplished but by great sacrifices. A life free from sufferings and sacrifices our Lord has not promised, and the Apostles did not enjoy. Such a portion they did not even expect, but were always prepared to live on the remembrance of the “faithful saying–If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him”. It should therefore be no question of ours whether, in literally fulfilling our Saviour’s command, we shall be subjected to many sufferings and privations, or not. The question is–Is it the command of Him, who loved us too well to enjoin any thing but for our good; and whether in his sovereign arrangement, the embracing of it may not

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From Genesis to Revelation, you discover that people who love the Lord fear the Lord. And those who fear the Lord obey the Lord.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.”
Psalm 111:10

If you want to quit porn, fear God. If you want wisdom, fear God. If you want to discover why you sin sexually, habitually, fear God. If you want to overcome sexual temptation, fear God. If you want to gain victory over your sexual immorality, fear God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

One of the problems in the church today (in the church in North America, at least) is that men don’t fear God anymore. There was a time when people would refer to a devout Christian man as “a God-fearing man.” How quaint. Today, we don’t tremble at God’s word. We don’t shake with fear at His judgments. We don’t cower in His presence. And because we don’t fear God, we don’t obey God. And because we don’t obey God, we lack victory over sexual sin.

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If you want to be set free from the slavery of pornography and masturbation, by all means seek the truth. But make that the end of your search, not the beginning.

Will the Truth Set You Free? Not Quite. | John 8:31-32

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.’”
John 8:31-32

Some Christian men think victory over sexual immorality comes through knowledge. “If I just read the right books, if I just attend the best recovery group, if I just work the 12 steps or complete the right NoFap Challenge, I will learn what I have to learn about myself and my childhood trauma, and then I will be free,” they think. Some of these misguided brothers even quote Jesus, who said, “The truth shall make you free.”

But this is not all that Jesus said, is it? You can’t expect to attain sexual purity by believing in or acting upon only a portion of what Jesus teaches. A text taken out of context is simply a pretext—a pretext for believing whatever you want. So, notice the context. Jesus is speaking to Jews who believe in Him. These a

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Watching pornography isn’t an addiction you recover from. Masturbation isn’t a compulsive habit you need treatment for. Both are wicked sins that you are to stop doing. Now. Not eventually.

You Are Not a Porn Addict in Recovery | 1 Corinthians 15:34

“Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.”
1 Corinthians 15:34

If you discover that a brother in your congregation has a habit of sneaking out of the house at night and murdering people, should you encourage him to get into a 12-step recovery program so that he can overcome his childhood trauma and gradually wean himself off his bad habit?

What about theft? If you learn that a brother in the Lord has a compulsion to pick pockets on the metro, should you encourage him to attend Celebrate Recovery meetings month after month until he finally gains victory over his addiction?

What about lying? If your Christian colleague repeatedly lies to his boss, lies to you and lies to your bank, should you invite him to join Christian Liars Anonymous and to take their 90-Day Truth Detox as many times as needed until he eventually sto

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All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them.

faithful man praying god diving in the water

Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, once received a compliment from a friend on the impact of the mission. Taylor responded: “It seemed to me that God looked over the whole world to find a man who was weak enough to do His work, and when He at last found me, He said, ‘He is weak enough—he’ll do.’ All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His being with them.”

Hudson Taylor.

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Will you trample under foot that accursed thing which has so long kept the fulness of the blessing from you? Will you give up arguing about it and trying to make out that it is not a stumbling-block, when you know it is?

I want you reasonably and calmly to see that this holiness is a real, definite blessing; that it is a level on to which the great mass of the professing Christians of this generation have not come, or even scarcely looked up. It is a high level, but it is a level on to which every one of you can come, if you will. You have heard enough about it. You are convinced you may have it. Will you have it? The Lord is sitting there; He is looking at you, and He is saying, “What is all this stir about? What is all this talk, this singing, and this praying about? Here I am. What do you want Me to do? I am ready to do it.”

And you say, “Lord, I want Thee to cleanse my heart from sin, and to fill me with the Holy Ghost, and to enable me to be whole-hearted and thorough in Thy service, and to go and win souls for Thee.” “Very well,” the Lord says, “I am ready to come into the temple, if you will clear out the rubbish. Are you willing for Me to come in? I am waiting to come in as a Refiner; but you must make a straight way for my feet. You must pick out the stones, and throw out th

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If you watch porn and have sex with yourself in the process, Jesus has a warning for you. Your final destiny hinges on Jesus’ final words.

You, Porn, and the Final Words of Jesus | Revelation 22:14-15

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” Revelation 22:14-15 NKJV

You can tell a lot about a person by their last words. On their death beds, the dying reveal what’s important to them. They finally let their guard down, and tell their loved ones some of the things they meant to say while living. After all, final words are just that—the last chance to say something meaningful.

If you want to know what Jesus thinks of pornography and having sex with yourself, simply turn to the last page in your Bible and read Jesus’ final words to you. These are not the last words that Jesus spoke while on earth, but the final words that He spoke to the Apostle John, the “revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave

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When Abraham was called to quit his kindred and country and to put his trust under the shadow of the Almighty’s wing, his going constitutes that peculiar feature in his obedience,

When Abraham was called to quit his kindred and country and to put his trust under the shadow of the Almighty’s wing, his going—notwithstanding that he knew not whither, and that he was perfectly unacquainted in what manner or to what extent he was to be provided for—constitutes that peculiar feature in his obedience, which all Christians feel and appreciate, and the spirit of which they profess to desire to have animating their own.

The same is also observable in the sacrifice of his son. Compliance in this case seems the death-blow to his fondest hopes; and to trust that, notwithstanding his compliance, the promises which God had made to him would be fulfilled, was a confidence resting on somewhat beyond the bounds of all human probability. Yet he does not hesitate to obey (and the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews tells us why), because he believed that God was able to raise his son up from the dead. Was this then tempting God? What says his Word? “The Angel of the Lord called unto Abraham out of Heaven the second time, and said, ‘By myself have I sworn, sa

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Sin once had power over you. Now you have power over sin. Lust is something you are allowed to be disloyal to. You are allowed to disobey sexual temptation. So go ahead: disobey.

Do not let sin reign. Romans 6:12

If you struggle with the sin of watching pornography, you may wonder why it has such a grip on you. You likely can’t figure out why you keep giving in to it, going back to it, even when you know that pornography is pleasant for a moment, but afterwards leaves you feeling dirty, ashamed, deceitful and defeated.

You feel this way because you have allowed pornography to become sovereign in your life. You have let it give the orders and call the shots. You have allowed sexual immorality to become king. You discover this when you read the book of Romans. The Apostle Paul tells you that, if you as a believer have died with Christ, been buried with Him, and been raised from the dead with Christ, you are to walk in newness of life. Then Paul says:

“Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lusts.”

Romans 6:12

Before you were saved, sin was sovereign in your life. It reigned over y

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