No matter how much pornography you consume, there will never be enough to satisfy your lust.

Hell and Destruction are never full;
So the eyes of man are never satisfied.

Proverbs 27:20

Kenneth Shipp, 58, of Jonesboro, Georgia, had 447,268 pornographic images and 19,395 pornographic videos in his possession when agents raided his home in 2016. He was found guilty of possessing and distributing pornography, and sentenced to eight years in federal prison.

If you are a Christian man who looks at pornography but longs to quit, you may wonder why or even how any man would accumulate this volume of pornography. After all, just do the math. If you had a stash of porn this large, you could watch one porn video a day for 53 years and still not reach the last video in your collection. If you had a stash of images as large as Mr. Shipp’s, and if you looked at 10 images an hour, eight hours a day, 7 days a week, you would waste 15 years of your life looking at porn and still never reach the end of your collection.

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In the midst of your seeming addiction to pornography, in the face of your seeming powerlessness over your sexual sin, you have this promise: you can do all things through Christ.

To Quit Porn, Find Your Big Why | 1 Kings 18:21

If you want to conquer pornography, sexual lust, sexual immorality or masturbation in your life, use the Scriptures. First, memorize a pertinent Scripture. Then, when tempted to sin, recite that Scripture from memory. Scripture memorization, after all, is one way to prevent yourself from sinning against God (Psalm 101:3-4). One verse that you should commit to memory is found in the New Testament book of Philippians:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

Sexual sins are sins of defeat. They are appealing at first, and pleasurable for a season (or even a few minutes), but they leave you defeated afterwards. And yet the urge to return to sexual sin is great. Some folks even call it an addiction. Being in the grip of compulsive, habitual, sexual sin is like being in an

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Defeat wicked sexual thoughts and desires by changing the subject. You win the battle against sexual immorality in your mind.

Do Your Brakes Work? | Judges 16:1

Have you ever been sitting in church when a wicked, sexual thought suddenly entered your mind? You likely felt defeated, wondering if there is nowhere you can go to escape from sexual immorality. You may think your problem is external, since you live in a sexualized world where provocative images are in plain view everywhere you look. But moving to a cave won’t help. You must win the war against pornography and sexual immorality in your mind.

You discover this truth in the New Testament book of Colossians, the letter that the Apostle Paul wrote to a group of believers in the city of Colosse. The Christian men in that church almost 2,000 years ago faced the same battle you face today. Paul wrote to them:

“Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.”

Colossians 3:5

When Paul talks about “your members which are on th

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David found passages in the Scriptures where God commanded him to do something, or to not do something, and he memorized those holy commandments. Do likewise.

To quit porn, hide God's word in your heart. Psalm 119:11

If you want to learn how to get victory over pornography and sexual immorality, ask a brother in the Lord who has been there, done that, and won the victory. Ask someone like King David. David wrote a large portion of the Psalms. In one of those psalms, he declares one practical step that he took to prevent himself from transgressing God’s commandments. You find his declaration in Psalm 119:

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You.”

Psalm 119:11

David is speaking to God. When he refers to “Your word,” he means God’s Word, the Holy Scriptures, particularly the law. Start at the end of the verse and you see that David had set a goal in his life. Notice that David didn’t simply want to avoid sinning. He wanted to avoid sinning “against You,” against his God.

So what did David do with his goal? Put it on a sticky note and pin it by his bathroom mirror? Start each day with an affirmatio

Need a daily kick in the pants to quit porn biblically? Buy the book, or subscribe to my daily kick.

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