You, Porn, and Jesus’ Last Words | Revelation 22:14-15

If you watch porn and have sex with yourself in the process, Jesus has a warning for you. Your final destiny hinges on Jesus’ final words.

You, Porn, and the Final Words of Jesus | Revelation 22:14-15

Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.” Revelation 22:14-15 NKJV

You can tell a lot about a person by their last words. On their death beds, the dying reveal what’s important to them. They finally let their guard down, and tell their loved ones some of the things they meant to say while living. After all, final words are just that—the last chance to say something meaningful.

If you want to know what Jesus thinks of pornography and having sex with yourself, simply turn to the last page in your Bible and read Jesus’ final words to you. These are not the last words that Jesus spoke while on earth, but the final words that He spoke to the Apostle John, the “revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place” (Revelation 1:1). These are words that Jesus spoke after His ascension into heaven.

Jesus’ final words are a warning to the sexually immoral. Not just them, of course. Jesus also warns sorcerers, murderers, idolators and liars. But for you and me and other Christian men, Jesus’ final warning to the sexually immoral is what matters, right? Because that’s who we are if we habitually watch pornography and masturbate to pornography. These activities constitute sexual immorality. Someone who does them is one of the sexually immoral people that Jesus warns.

Do you see the other group that Jesus addresses in his final words? This group He calls “blessed.” But notice the contrast. One group of people is blessed. The other is cursed. One group will partake of the tree of life and enter the city. The other will be condemned and will remain outside the city. One group obeys Jesus. The other one disobeys Him.

I know which group I want to belong to. I am glad that Jesus spoke these final words, and that John recorded them in a book that I can read today. Knowing Jesus’ view of the sexually immoral encourages me to forsake my sin and to live for Jesus while I can. Jesus didn’t say these final words while on His death bed, of course. But when I am on mine, I will be glad for His last words. His final words help me secure my final destiny.

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