“Do not go near the door of her house.”
Proverbs 5:8
The primary problem with pornography is proximity. Porn is easy to view because it’s easy to find. It’s always just a few clicks or swipes away, often free of charge. This wasn’t always the case. When I was a teen, the only way to get your hands on hardcore porn was to meet a man in a dark alley off Times Square or to visit a bookstore in Amsterdam. Today, hardcore pornography is right in your pocket. If you want to conquer your habitual sin of looking at porn, you must solve your proximity problem.
This is the advice that Solomon has for his son. To avoid the immoral woman, says Solomon, “do not go near the door of her house.” That is, to avoid the seductress, the woman whose steps lead you down to death and hell, don’t go near the door of her house. The house of the immoral woman, of course, is where she practices her trade. It’s where you find the bedroom and the bed where she and her clients commit their sexual immorality.
The door of her house is where the sin starts. After all, to reach her bed, you must enter her bedroom. To enter her bedroom, you must enter her house. To enter her house, you must walk through her door. To solve your porn proximity problem, just tweak this sequence. Do you want to avoid the bed of the immoral woman? Avoid her bedroom. Want to avoid her bedroom? Avoid her house. Want to avoid her house? Avoid her door. And how do you avoid her door, exactly? Solomon tells you: “Do not go near the door of her house.”
Today, of course, the immoral woman has moved online. Her bed, her bedroom, her house, her door, are now virtual. Sexual immorality is available to you and me anytime we want, day or night, anywhere in the world, accessible on any electronic device, whether desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, smart TV or gaming console. This is where you find the door to sexual sin—always within arm’s reach.
The safest way to avoid the door to pornography is to install porn-blocking & accountability software (such as Covenant Eyes) on all of your electronic devices. The blocker prevents you from accessing inappropriate websites, and the accountability software takes screenshots of your online activity and emails them to your accountability partner (someone you trust who helps you stay pure online). Where porn is concerned, you can’t be tempted by it if you can’t access it.
I don’t know about you, but I have no problem avoiding the door of the prostitute in my neighborhood. But pornographic images and videos, the kind that are available anytime I want, free of charge and anonymously? This is where I fight my battle. Short of throwing all of my electronic devices into a dumpster, the only proven way I know of to not go near the online door of pornography is porn-blocking & accountability software. It protects me from the immoral woman. And it protects me from another sexually immoral person I know—me.
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