Want to discover God’s will for your life? Open your Bible and turn to the book of 1 Thessalonians. Find chapter four, and run your finger down to verses three through five. Here’s what you read:
“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God.”
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5
God’s will for you is no pornography. No sex with yourself while looking at porn. No sex outside of marriage. Period. There are some decisions in life that you must make without a clear word from the Lord (which career to pursue, where to live, who to marry), but whether you should look at pornography is not one of them. God has spoken on the subject, and spoken clearly.
God’s will for you is your sanctification. Sanctification is the process of making or becoming holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated. Sanctification is the process of advancing in holiness, of being progressively transformed by the Holy Spirit into God’s likeness.
Sanctification is progressive, but so is pornography. Men who view pornography for any length of time discover that they require harder forms of pornography to get off. Like a drug user who no longer gets a sufficient high from marijuana and moves onto heroin, cocaine and harder, more dangerous drugs to feed their habit, porn users move on from men’s magazines to pornographic websites to the dark web to eventually acting out on their fantasies. Talk with any man who has been convicted of voyeurism, exhibitionism, rape, child molestation, and more, and you will find a man who started with pornography—and progressed.
But the same is true of the godly man. Find a man who is set apart, holy, obedient, altogether taken up with the things of the Lord, and you will find a man who started with his first step of sanctification—and progressed.
If you continue to watch pornography, you will progress to more wicked forms of sin and eventually end up in hell. But if you work to conform your life to God’s will, that is, if you work each day to be sanctified by abstaining from sexual immorality, you will progress in holiness, and not be ashamed at Christ’s coming. The choice is yours: progressive porn, or progressive sanctification.
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