I found it safer at the close of each day not to be too confident that there had been no failures nor defeats that day, but to go alone with God and ask Him to search my heart.

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I once knew a man who seemed to make extraordinary strides in the Christian life. He became a teacher of others and was greatly blessed to thousands. It seemed to me that he was becoming self-confident and I trembled for him. I invited him to my room and we had a long heart to heart conversation. I told him frankly that it seemed as if he were going perilously near exceedingly dangerous ground. I said that I found it safer at the close of each day not to be too confident that there had been no failures nor defeats that day but to go alone with God and ask Him to search my heart and show me if there was anything in my outward or inward life that was displeasing to Him, and that very often failures were brought to light that must be confessed as sin. 

“No,” he replied, “I do not need to do that. Even if I should do something wrong, I would see it at once. I keep very short accounts with God, and I would confess it at once.” I said it seemed to me as if it would be safer to take time alone with God for God to search us through and through, that while we migh

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If, by frailty or strong temptation, thou shalt perceive that thou hast committed any grievous sin or fault, presume not to sleep till thou have upon thy knees made a particular reconciliation with God in Christ.

man with lamp rising stairs in the darkness

At evening, when thou preparest thyself to take thy rest, meditate on these few points:—

  1. That seeing thy days are numbered (Psal. xc.; Job xiv. 5), there is one more of thy number spent, and thou art now the nearer to thy end by a day.
  2. Sit down a while before thou goest to bed, and consider with thyself what memorable thing thou hast seen, heard, or read that day, more than thou sawest, heardst, or knewest before, and make the best use of them; but especially call to mind what sin thou hast committed that day against God or man, and what good thou hast omitted, and humble thyself for both. If thou findest that thou hast done any goodness, acknowledge it to be God’s grace, and give him the glory; and count that day lost wherein thou hast not done some good.
    Heu perdidi diem!
  3. If, by frailty or strong temptation, thou shalt perceive that thou hast committed any grievous sin or fault, presume not to sleep till thou have upon thy knees made a particular reconciliation with God in Christ, both by confessing the fault, and by fervently praying for pardon. Thus mak

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No matter how much pornography you consume, there will never be enough to satisfy your lust.

Hell and Destruction are never full;
So the eyes of man are never satisfied.

Proverbs 27:20

Kenneth Shipp, 58, of Jonesboro, Georgia, had 447,268 pornographic images and 19,395 pornographic videos in his possession when agents raided his home in 2016. He was found guilty of possessing and distributing pornography, and sentenced to eight years in federal prison.

If you are a Christian man who looks at pornography but longs to quit, you may wonder why or even how any man would accumulate this volume of pornography. After all, just do the math. If you had a stash of porn this large, you could watch one porn video a day for 53 years and still not reach the last video in your collection. If you had a stash of images as large as Mr. Shipp’s, and if you looked at 10 images an hour, eight hours a day, 7 days a week, you would waste 15 years of your life looking at porn and still never reach the end of your collection.

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I waited 30 years to discover a strong enough motivation to quit porn. Please don’t follow my example.

To Quit Porn, Find Your Big Why | 1 Kings 18:21

And Elijah came to all the people, and said, ‘How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.’”
1 Kings 18:21

If you want to quit pornography and masturbation, discover your Big Why. Find your reason, your motivation, your incentive for quitting sexual immorality once and for all. Just make sure it’s a big enough reason. Without a solid motivation for quitting, you are likely to return again and again to your sexual sin. I speak from experience.

I looked at pornography for the first time in 1971 and for the last time in the winter of 2021. I know the month and I know the year because 2021 marked my 30th anniversary as a Christian. I was converted in the summer of 1991 after a miraculous series of events that proved the reality of God’s working in my life. That July I repented of my sins, trusted Christ as my Savior, and asked God to forgive me based on the sacrifice, burial and resurrecti

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Jesus demands that you confess your sexual sin and then forsake it. “No condemnation” is always followed by “sin no more.”

If you listen to enough sermons about the woman caught in adultery and her encounter with Jesus, you might think that the only lesson to be learned is that Jesus doesn’t condemn sinners. But you would be only partly right. Which means, of course, that you would also be partly mistaken.

You read about the encounter in John’s gospel, chapter eight.  The scribes and Pharisees bring to Jesus a woman taken in adultery, caught in the very act. They say the woman should be stoned to death. Jesus stoops down and writes something on the ground. He then stands, and says to her accusers, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her” (John 8:7). Those that hear His words are convicted by their conscience, and file out. They leave the woman alone with Jesus. Jesus then stands up and asks the woman, “Where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you?” She replies, “No one, Lord.” And then Jesus replies with those immortal lines, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (John 8:11).


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